Havasu Doug
HDF Gold Supporter Delta Tau Chi - ΔTX
North Padre Island, Texas Posts: 12,188
APPD 1.50 Post Rank: 7 '78 Challenger jet
Posted: Dec. 11 2002,2:11 am
Post # 1
Welcome to the board missboatnam1! It was great to finally meet you Tina. I got to talk to Jim while playing a couple of games of pool too! PLEASE say you're going to the OP6 After X-Mas Party! Shall I set up your hotboat avatar over here for you?
Kim Hanson
HDF Bronze Supporter ....( . )( . )....
Alberta Canada Posts: 2,029
APPD 0.25 Post Rank: 32
Posted: Dec. 11 2002,7:13 pm
Post # 3
Missy, that was cool talking to you the other night! One question though did it freak you out or what, just the way you said "KIM HANSON". I really hope I didn't though,later Cupcake
Look at life through the windshield, not the rear-view mirror." ..........................( . )( . )................................
missboatnam1 Pwc'er
norco Posts: 72
APPD 0.01 Post Rank: 158
Posted: Dec. 12 2002,5:14 pm
Post # 10
oh my, thanks for the welcome guys and gals!! i dident know!!!.........this is  a pretty cool place doug!!!!....
no kim, i thought someone was listing and then got pissed off at you!!!!..i heard the phone go click, then you got quiet!!! Â
i would  love to go to the party,  id love to!!! i want to see all my new friends that i adore so much (and old)!!!..in fact i think im going to cry Â
but i dont think mr b can make it, and this would be the second time at a party without him . .....but i never say never, so maybe he can move his work shift around!!!..i already miss everyone!!!!
Havasu Doug
HDF Gold Supporter Delta Tau Chi - ΔTX
North Padre Island, Texas Posts: 12,188
APPD 1.50 Post Rank: 7 '78 Challenger jet
Posted: Dec. 13 2002,2:07 am
Post # 14
I'm glad you made it over here to see your welcome thread Tina! Â I've got some connections over here too! Â Do you want me to set up your hotboat.net avatar for you? Â I'd be happy to do it!