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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 01 2023,4:34 am Post # 11176 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Well, have fun all I can say is, better you than me. :D  :laugh
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 01 2023,2:59 pm Post # 11177 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Have to say I'm not looking forward to hanging the lights. Either get on the roof or move the boat. Neither one I want to do. Think I'll move the boat so I'm not hanging off the roof.
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 03 2023,4:30 am Post # 11178 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I hear ya, I ain't been out of the house unless necessary for the last few days, hopefully it'll warm up some next week. :banghead
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 03 2023,11:28 am Post # 11179 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Not getting to the lights. Been a crazy week. GF's mom had a stroke Wednesday morning and been in the hospital since. So we have been decorating in the house doing things we can stop in the middle of incase we need to go get her. We didn't put up our big tree, so we went and got a 4 footer to put on a table so we have room for her to move around. The big tree we rearrange furniture that would impede her movement. She will be doing therapy here at the house once they get that setup.
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 04 2023,4:33 am Post # 11180 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

WOW, sorry to hear that, hope she gets better soon.
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 07 2023,3:11 pm Post # 11181 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Doing much better. Until the docs have checked her out we are not letting her drive. She will be doing therapy at the house. She has pretty much kicked her walker to the curb but using it if she leaves the house.
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 08 2023,4:52 pm Post # 11182 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

That's good news, sounds like she'll be back to her old self pretty soon. :good
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 13 2023,3:27 pm Post # 11183 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Been a rough past few days. We had the youngest friday and Saturday nights due to mom being sick and dad having to work. Then we got it. I think we have it on the run now.  I did get Frosty and Santa up Sunday, but no lights on the house. Screw it, Just a little over a week away from Christmas anyways.
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 14 2023,4:36 am Post # 11184 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Yeah, seems like the creeping crud is floating around, lot are sick around here too, I just keep loaded with C, D3 and Zinc, so far it's been working pretty good. :good
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 14 2023,2:57 pm Post # 11185 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

There has been schools closing due to students and staff are call out. 16 year old grand kid was sent home the other day along with a crap load of kids for being sick.
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 15 2023,4:36 am Post # 11186 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Yep, that time of the year I guess. :rolleyes
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 22 2023,3:45 pm Post # 11187 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

EEEKKK!!! The past week has been BUSY both at home and at work. Glad to be off until the 3rd of Jan. Of course will be doing the Hangovers in Tucson the 30th and 31st.

I had a meeting with a manager over us at the city. He wanted to know what was going on with us and GMI who I work for. SO I filled him in. He is not happy to know what GMI has done and that some of the team is going to be looking elsewhere for employment after the first of the year. WWT lawyers have looked at the Noncompete thats being held over our heads and not able to find a way out at this time. He did say that it's BS that they are holding it over on us even though they are the ones that ended the contract early. Not sure what can be done, but I was assured that they are trying to figure it out and wants the team to stay. We will see!! I can't talk to the team about this meeting as this was privet so he is going to have our immediate manager to the city fill the team in since we haven't had any info in about 3 months. We will see what happens.
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 23 2023,10:03 am Post # 11188 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Well, maybe the pot will get stirred a bit and maybe things will work out for the best, keeping the fingers crossed. :good
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 26 2023,9:04 am Post # 11189 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Christmas is done and we have 364 days until we do it all again. Now to get ready to inhale racing fuel fumes and bath in hot rubber smoke at the hang overs.  :laugh  Leaving Thursday morning to get setup and there are racing Friday though Sunday. Hopefully we will go a few rounds and get into the cash at least once.
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 28 2023,4:34 am Post # 11190 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Yep, all over with and now it's time for some fun. :laugh  :good Hopefully the weather will hold up, it will be cold though but car should run good. Good luck and be safe out there. :good
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 01 2024,7:15 am Post # 11191 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Happy New Year everyone!  :beer
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 02 2024,4:00 pm Post # 11192 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Back At Ya!! :good  :beer  :drink

Was a long weekend, but we got through it. Didn't do for crap either day. Was windy Friday and Saturday and not real warm out during the day. Sunday sun was out and very little air movement until the sun went behind clouds, then it got chilly out. Car did good, driver/owner I don't think was doing well(long story). Car did run a 5:94 friday. After that I don't think he was really into it physically. Don't know when the next outing will be. I have a feeling it may be at least 3 months if I would guess.
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 03 2024,4:45 am Post # 11193 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Sucks about the weather, kinda wondered about that.  :rolleyes Glad to hear the car runs, hope he feels better soon though. :good
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 04 2024,4:07 pm Post # 11194 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Did you happen to see that Wild Horse is now being called Firebird Motorsports Park now. Looks like not just drags and short coarse off road, but they are and have scheduled boat drags on that nasty a$$ lake.
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 06 2024,4:53 am Post # 11195 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Wow, never heard about that :stupid must be a new owner again :stupid Yeah, that water is really nasty, they need to drain it and add new water or something. :rolleyes
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 06 2024,11:02 am Post # 11196 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Sounds like whomever took over Bondurant has taken over all the motor sports end and has managers over each entity.
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 09 2024,7:31 pm Post # 11197 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Well, that could be a good thing, someone that's into the sport instead of just some rich POS that only wants to make some money while he runs it into the ground then runs. :beat  :beat
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 15 2024,1:36 pm Post # 11198 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Didn't get anything done all weekend. Saturday we had the little one. Sunday GF's brother and sister in law came down from Payson. Today I did go and spray the weeds that the weed fairy brought with the ran last week. Also we some how got a large piece of cardboard box in our back yard with the winds mid last week. Put that in the trash. Other than that it has been to cold to do anything outside.
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 16 2024,4:38 am Post # 11199 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Yeah same here, quiet weekend too dam cold to do much of anything, did some maintenance in the house that was about it. :rolleyes
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 18 2024,3:15 pm Post # 11200 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

This has been the week from he!! at work. Been real busy and if it will go wrong it has. Not sure whats going to get done this weekend since the weather is going down the crapper
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