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CaliKatFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,12:12 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Alright, bear with me folks.  My brother just bought a lake he wants a boat.  And he wants to get it this weekend. :rolleyes   He calls me at 2am his time tonite to run a few things by me to see if I can give him any input.  So now...I turn to you!

The boat he's looking at is a 2004 Chaparral 204 SSI Bowrider.  20 feet, 260HP engine with 230 hours on it. No bimini (apparently the owner 'broke it off' ), no cockpit or bow covers.  Has a depth finder, swim platform.  No trailer, the boat is located on the same lake as the new house.  Owner was asking $22,500, Mark has talked him down to $18,000 so far, and is going to see if he'll take $17,000.  I guess it has a few dings.

The used boat market in his area of GA is almost non existent.  He's debating buying new, most dealers are discounting pretty heavily and offering extended warranties.

So...what is your feedback?  Is this a good boat?  A good deal?  What questions should he be asking?  Do you think he'd be better off buying new?

I wish he'd wait and look some more.  His boating experience is pretty limited.  They have two kids, one almost 7, one 5.

Any info/advice/feedback would be greatly appreciated! :)

(I sure hope he appreciates I have to lug my computer with me this weekend so i can keep in touch with him about this, since I don't have a crackberry. :rolleyes  :laugh  )

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,5:42 am Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

First off tell him not to be in a hurry when looking for a used boat, that's the worse thing you can do, you don't know what you can get into, there are good boats out there just have to be patient!.. Now, from the description you gave it sounds like this boat has been neglected and not taken cared of to well, parts broken, no covers, no trailer means it sits year round at the dock out in the elements, this all brings up red flags!.. If the outside has been neglected what about the main part, the motor and drive????. :stupid It could be a good deal and it also could be opening up a can of worms!. If he's not to savvy on boats, I would recommend having someone go with him that knows to look it over real good, and have the owner take him for a ride in it, if he refuses then walk away!.. There's nothing that ruins a weekend or vacation with the family more than having trouble with boat the whole time!... :banghead  Just my worthless opinion of course!..  :rolleyes
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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,7:20 am Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

thanks GFR...that's the kind of info I'm looking for.  I emailed him your concerns (and some of mine) and this is what I got back:

bimini frame is bent - actual cover should be okay.  We are assuming we will have to put in a whole new one.  They hit the top of their boat lift.  They have a covered boat lift.  They also have a boat cover but supposedly doesnt fit that well.  We would probably get another.  I have riden in it and had a couple knowledgeable people walk me through the steps and engine seems fine.  Underside is fine. Boat looks to be in very good condition.  New boats are about 32k including tax without trailer.  Trailer another 3k.  One of the issues is where we would put a trailer if we got it.  I dont think it will fit in our garage and you cant keep it out in your yard.  Would have to pay to store.  Would be interested in what your friends think of our plan - we have a boat slip - not on a lift.  Our thought was to leave it in the water in the summer and have stored in winter (either dry stacked or on trailer).  We thought we would scrub down each weekend when we are in the water then get power washed at end of season.  Not optimal but not great to go to a marina and bring back each weekend either.  One thought about a used boat is we would worry less about condition of boat.

That's a little more coherent than our 2am conversation. :laugh    

Any more feedback, folks?

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,7:59 am Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

If That's His Plan, I Would Have Him Look Into A Boat Lift. That Way It Isn't in The Water All Of The Time. The Other Thing That Comes To Mind, Without A Trailer, If Something Happens To It, How Does He Plan On Taking It To Be Repaired??

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,8:18 am Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Carrera Elite @ June 06 2008,7:59 am)
If That's His Plan, I Would Have Him Look Into A Boat Lift. That Way It Isn't in The Water All Of The Time. The Other Thing That Comes To Mind, Without A Trailer, If Something Happens To It, How Does He Plan On Taking It To Be Repaired??

I'll ask him! ;)  :laugh  off to send another email. :good

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,8:19 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

In a hurry to buy a boat is possibly the biggest mistake one could make. Anybody run a NADA on it. Boat without trailer, covers that don't fit. Sounds like he's been cutting corners since day one. Any maintence records.

"Damn you sure know how to fock things up."-GFR
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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,8:40 am Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

What is NADA?  

They can't have a boat lift, he would if he could.  The marinas and repair shops will take them out of the water for repairs.

Sounds like all maintainance was done by the owner.

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,8:53 am Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

NADA is like the Kelley Blue Book for boats.
Even if he did the main. and/or repairs himself, he should have records and receipts.

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,11:19 am Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Another concern for me is, if he has to get it repaired he would have to use their marina to get it out of the water, does that mean he has to use their repair shop? That could get expensive if they have to only means to help him. He wouldn't be able to take somewhere maybe a little cheaper or even better. :stupid  :eek

It's 5 o'clock somewhere!!
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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,11:38 am Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

This Is Base....You Would Need To Add The Options.......>c=MR

Edited by Carrera Elite on June 06 2008,11:40 am

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,11:53 am Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Carrera Elite @ June 06 2008,11:38 am)
This Is Base....You Would Need To Add The Options.......>c=MR

Looks like top dollar and no trailer. Maybe he really doesn't want to sell it.

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,12:31 pm Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (lakebound @ June 06 2008,11:19 am)
Another concern for me is, if he has to get it repaired he would have to use their marina to get it out of the water, does that mean he has to use their repair shop? That could get expensive if they have to only means to help him. He wouldn't be able to take somewhere maybe a little cheaper or even better. :stupid  :eek

I think he said the local repair shops would also come get it out of the water and take it in...and I'm sure charge an arm and a leg for it.

CE, that link doesn't work for me, do you need to be a member to see the info? :stupid   I asked bro and he said the NADA value was about 19,500.

The trailer is a concern for me too, but I understand his dilemma of not having anywhere to store it.  Not having seen the new house, I can't offer any suggestions there.  If he's going to have to pull it out of the water and store it for the winter, maybe he can make a deal with the storage facility for a trailer when he's not using it?

He drives an Acura MDX (the SUV).  I assume it can tow a boat, at least short distances. :stupid

This is really frustrating...i wish I was there to see the boat and question the owner and folks who live on the lake.  I know it's his decision but I just don't want him to do anything stupid.

I sure appreciate all your help, guys. :good  :grouphug

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,12:38 pm Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Link didn't work for me either. When you click on it, go to the top for used boats and click that and start over. ie. click "C" the on page 3 or 4 click on Chapperall and so fourth

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,12:44 pm Post # 14 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Start Here....

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,12:45 pm Post # 15 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (CaliKat @ June 06 2008,12:31 pm)
maybe he can make a deal with the storage facility for a trailer when he's not using it?

He drives an Acura MDX (the SUV).  I assume it can tow a boat, at least short distances. :stupid

Very unlikely that storage would have extra trailers to use.

He'll have to check his owners manual to see what he can tow.

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,1:49 pm Post # 16 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (WATERDOG @ June 06 2008,12:45 pm)
Quote (CaliKat @ June 06 2008,12:31 pm)
maybe he can make a deal with the storage facility for a trailer when he's not using it?

He drives an Acura MDX (the SUV).  I assume it can tow a boat, at least short distances. :stupid

Very unlikely that storage would have extra trailers to use.

He'll have to check his owners manual to see what he can tow.

Sorry, I meant a cheap rate to store a trailer that he if he paid the whole boat storage fee up front, maybe they'd cut him a deal on storing a trailer.  I'm kinda thinking out loud here.

Thanks CE.  I don't know all the equipment this boat has, but I plugged in what I did know and it came out around what my bro said.

He's going to the lake tomorrow so hopefully he'll take a really good look at the boat and really question the owner.  He did try to get a boat mechanic to come look at it but they are all swamped.  Apparently the boat business in GA is good.  With the airline and gas issues, folks are staying close to home so they're putting their money into boats for their recreation.  Kinda funny, when you think how low all the lake levels are there.

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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,3:19 pm Post # 17 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (CaliKat @ June 06 2008,1:49 pm)
Quote (WATERDOG @ June 06 2008,12:45 pm)
Quote (CaliKat @ June 06 2008,12:31 pm)
maybe he can make a deal with the storage facility for a trailer when he's not using it?

He drives an Acura MDX (the SUV).  I assume it can tow a boat, at least short distances. :stupid

Very unlikely that storage would have extra trailers to use.

He'll have to check his owners manual to see what he can tow.

Sorry, I meant a cheap rate to store a trailer that he if he paid the whole boat storage fee up front, maybe they'd cut him a deal on storing a trailer.  I'm kinda thinking out loud here.

Thanks CE.  I don't know all the equipment this boat has, but I plugged in what I did know and it came out around what my bro said.

He's going to the lake tomorrow so hopefully he'll take a really good look at the boat and really question the owner.  He did try to get a boat mechanic to come look at it but they are all swamped.  Apparently the boat business in GA is good.  With the airline and gas issues, folks are staying close to home so they're putting their money into boats for their recreation.  Kinda funny, when you think how low all the lake levels are there.

Is he anywhere near Rome. I no nothing about storage in GA. I do know that most in Havi don't offer disc.'s and the ones that do, it isn't much. Keep in mind that those NADA rates are averages. And nothings average right now. I think that seller would come down quite a bit if he was motivated enough. For two years GA is screaming no water for anything, must be a hidden lake that nobody knows about yet.

"Damn you sure know how to fock things up."-GFR
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Post Icon Posted: June 06 2008,4:50 pm Post # 18 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

What I Normally do When I'm buying/Selling Something, Is Look At What Other People Are Asking For A Similar Item In Your Area In Classifieds Or Elsewhere....

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Post Icon Posted: June 07 2008,6:24 am Post # 19 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Definitely take a "lake test"... :good   another angle would be to RENT a boat for the first few times on the water to see what he likes... :beer
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Post Icon Posted: June 07 2008,8:39 am Post # 20 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (WATERDOG @ June 06 2008,3:19 pm)
Quote (CaliKat @ June 06 2008,1:49 pm)
Quote (WATERDOG @ June 06 2008,12:45 pm)
Quote (CaliKat @ June 06 2008,12:31 pm)
maybe he can make a deal with the storage facility for a trailer when he's not using it?

He drives an Acura MDX (the SUV).  I assume it can tow a boat, at least short distances. :stupid

Very unlikely that storage would have extra trailers to use.

He'll have to check his owners manual to see what he can tow.

Sorry, I meant a cheap rate to store a trailer that he if he paid the whole boat storage fee up front, maybe they'd cut him a deal on storing a trailer.  I'm kinda thinking out loud here.

Thanks CE.  I don't know all the equipment this boat has, but I plugged in what I did know and it came out around what my bro said.

He's going to the lake tomorrow so hopefully he'll take a really good look at the boat and really question the owner.  He did try to get a boat mechanic to come look at it but they are all swamped.  Apparently the boat business in GA is good.  With the airline and gas issues, folks are staying close to home so they're putting their money into boats for their recreation.  Kinda funny, when you think how low all the lake levels are there.

Is he anywhere near Rome. I no nothing about storage in GA. I do know that most in Havi don't offer disc.'s and the ones that do, it isn't much. Keep in mind that those NADA rates are averages. And nothings average right now. I think that seller would come down quite a bit if he was motivated enough. For two years GA is screaming no water for anything, must be a hidden lake that nobody knows about yet.

Here's some lake info I found, WD...

Georgia Power completed the dam to form Lake Oconee in 1979. The lake is 19,000 acres with over 300 miles of shoreline. The lake is filled by the Oconee and Appalachee Rivers as well as some very large creeks. Lake Oconee is unique in that the water never fluctuates more than 18 inches and is pumped down and filled back by Georgia Power daily. This movement of water makes the fish feed on the current movement just like that in the ocean. Oconee has a thriving largemouth bass population as well as hybrids and crappie. The abundant shad in the lake keeps the fish healthy. The lake has very little vegetation and some standing timber, most of which is in deep water. The primary holding areas for bass are boat docks and points. Golf communities such as Harbor Club, Reynolds Landing and Reynolds Plantation surround the lake and their docks provide excellent cover for bass. The legal limit for a keeper largemouth on Lake Oconee is 14 inches or larger.  

Their house is part of the Cuscowilla golf community, sounds pretty fancy:

The Lake Oconee area is fortunate to be served by nine exceptional golf courses. With rolling terrain, elevation changes, streams, mature trees and proximity to lake water, each one offers a unique experience to the golf enthusiast.

The highly acclaimed Coore/Crenshaw designed golf course is the centerpiece for the community of Cuscowilla. Cuscowilla winds through rolling meadows, forests of pine, and along the shoreline of Lake Oconee. This course has Blue Tee rating of 72.2 and a slope of 132. Selected as one of America’s Best Courses by Golfweek Magazine (March 2001).

Maybe we'll be seeing my nephew on the tour in 10 years or so. :good

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Post Icon Posted: June 09 2008,8:05 am Post # 21 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Well, my bro DIDN'T buy the boat this weekend, so it looks like your input has paid off. :good   Mark is highly maybe the fact that he needed to do more research and shopping around finally sunk in so he doesn't end up getting screwed and looking like a moron (with me telling him, "I told you so!" of course  :D  ).

Anyhoo, he's looking at a few other boats now and emailed me this question today:

Another question for your boat friends. Do deck boats use a lot more gas than sport boats?  We are also looking at a chaparral Sunesta 216. Sport boats are chap 204 and 210.

Have I told you lately that I love you guys?  Thanks for putting up with me and my questions.   :kiss  :grouphug

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Post Icon Posted: June 09 2008,8:24 am Post # 22 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

All them have fairly similiar types hulls. His biggest difference will be the motor and drive. He really should rent the diff. type boats he might want. Figure out what he wants, then start looking for a deal.

"Damn you sure know how to fock things up."-GFR
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Post Icon Posted: June 09 2008,8:54 am Post # 23 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (CaliKat @ June 09 2008,8:05 am)
Well, my bro DIDN'T buy the boat this weekend, so it looks like your input has paid off. :good   Mark is highly maybe the fact that he needed to do more research and shopping around finally sunk in so he doesn't end up getting screwed and looking like a moron (with me telling him, "I told you so!" of course  :D  ).

Anyhoo, he's looking at a few other boats now and emailed me this question today:

Another question for your boat friends. Do deck boats use a lot more gas than sport boats?  We are also looking at a chaparral Sunesta 216. Sport boats are chap 204 and 210.

Have I told you lately that I love you guys?  Thanks for putting up with me and my questions.   :kiss  :grouphug

Glad to hear he didn't buy it, that thing is a project probably why he was selling it!.. :rolleyes
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Post Icon Posted: June 09 2008,10:09 am Post # 24 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ June 09 2008,8:54 am)
Quote (CaliKat @ June 09 2008,8:05 am)
Well, my bro DIDN'T buy the boat this weekend, so it looks like your input has paid off. :good   Mark is highly maybe the fact that he needed to do more research and shopping around finally sunk in so he doesn't end up getting screwed and looking like a moron (with me telling him, "I told you so!" of course  :D  ).

Anyhoo, he's looking at a few other boats now and emailed me this question today:

Another question for your boat friends. Do deck boats use a lot more gas than sport boats?  We are also looking at a chaparral Sunesta 216. Sport boats are chap 204 and 210.

Have I told you lately that I love you guys?  Thanks for putting up with me and my questions.   :kiss  :grouphug

Glad to hear he didn't buy it, that thing is a project probably why he was selling it!.. :rolleyes

Weeeelllll.....supposedly he was selling it because they are moving and will no longer be on a lake...but I kinda wonder if he was taking my bro for a ride.  Mark's certainly not stupid but he's also not exactly boat savvy, never having owned one.  He's a pretty tough negotiator though, so that will help him.

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Post Icon Posted: June 09 2008,10:19 am Post # 25 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (CaliKat @ June 09 2008,10:09 am)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ June 09 2008,8:54 am)
Quote (CaliKat @ June 09 2008,8:05 am)
Well, my bro DIDN'T buy the boat this weekend, so it looks like your input has paid off. :good   Mark is highly maybe the fact that he needed to do more research and shopping around finally sunk in so he doesn't end up getting screwed and looking like a moron (with me telling him, "I told you so!" of course  :D  ).

Anyhoo, he's looking at a few other boats now and emailed me this question today:

Another question for your boat friends. Do deck boats use a lot more gas than sport boats?  We are also looking at a chaparral Sunesta 216. Sport boats are chap 204 and 210.

Have I told you lately that I love you guys?  Thanks for putting up with me and my questions.   :kiss  :grouphug

Glad to hear he didn't buy it, that thing is a project probably why he was selling it!.. :rolleyes

Weeeelllll.....supposedly he was selling it because they are moving and will no longer be on a lake...but I kinda wonder if he was taking my bro for a ride.  Mark's certainly not stupid but he's also not exactly boat savvy, never having owned one.  He's a pretty tough negotiator though, so that will help him.

He probably won't be moving the boat without a trailer. Watch for that one to drop in price fast as his move date gets near. If it's still there when your brother sees them packing, that would be a good time to make an offer.

"Damn you sure know how to fock things up."-GFR
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