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Trailer Park CasanovaMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: June 10 2006,6:18 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I'll post pic later, but I bought a cheapie cd/radio for the golfcart and installed it my self.
I did a nice job, looks good but cheapies will skip on the slightest bump.

Ya hickup and it quits playing for 30 seconds. Speedbumps, anything just pulls the cheapies off line.

The kids hated it, and working on Golf Carts  - everything is awkward and hard to get at so it's not that much fun to install.

I went to the local shop, Audio Concepts in Simi, and for just a few bux more than I paid for the cheapie, they put in a Nice Alpine that is skip free, plus, a much cleaner installation, and it cost about $50 more that I had in the crummy cheapie.

On top all that, it sounds 1000% better too.

Also, I'll never order a boat with a factory or dealer sound system again.
I'll delete the radio/CD and have Audio Concepts or Wired for Sound do the work.

We have a nice infinity sound system in the boat now, and it's the first time in 3 years we actually have a boat sound system that works,, no hassle, and on top all that,, sounds teriffic.

The cheapie car/marine radio cd is out on the driveway sittin' on a table. Alice is having a garage sale today. Five bux,, ok,, do I hear 3 ???

Edited by Trailer Park Casanova on June 10 2006,6:21 am

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Post Icon Posted: June 13 2006,11:24 pm Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Audio Concepts does good work, from what I have seen. They did the stereo in Mbrown's boat. Another issue about cd players skipping (that most people dont know) is that if they are NOT mount solid they will skip easier.
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